Whether it’s a romantic anniversary dinner, a family birthday party or simply a fun night in with friends – there’s nothing like a scrumptious meal to celebrate special occasions and bring people together. 

Enjoy a restaurant experience at the comfort of your home with a private chef; Chef Liran Tal will cook for you and your guests at your home, or at the venue of your choice, and take you on a journey through your palate to discover the tastes of Tel-Aviv, from street food to gourmet cuisine. If you’d like, and if your kitchen permits, Chef Liran will cook live in front of your guests, sharing his knowledge and cooking tips with you and your entourage.

Our menus change according to season, and can be customized according to your preferences and dietary restrictions, including vegan and Kosher options. Check out the example menus below to get a taste of our culinary offer

For more information and booking, please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly.
